Elevate your design workflow effortlessly with Flowcase

Flowcase is the essential UX tool designed specifically for designers who seek to streamline their workflow and enhance their project management. With Flowcase, you can effortlessly manage every aspect of your design projects from inception to completion.

What is Flowcase

Flowcase is the go-to project management app for ui, ux or graphic designers

Sign up today or chat with one of our friendly staff members, to learn more about how Flowcase can help you achieve your goals.

Key Features

Manage project changes with ease

Manage Projects

Organise and manage multiple projects with ease. Track progress, set requirements and ensure timely delivery.

Version Control

Handle different versions of your designs effortlessly. Keep track of changes and look back at previous versions if necessary.

Change Logs

Create detailed change logs to document modifications and updates. Ensure clear communication and transparency with your team and clients.

Other Features

Present to key stakeholders

Showcase Designs

Document Components

Project Tagging

Customer Management

Community Support

Invoice Customers


Choose the plan that suits your needs



$11.99 / mo
No added costs
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited versions
  • Project tagging
  • Customer management
  • Cancel/upgrade anytime
Get Started


$44.99 / mo
+ $5.99 per employee / mo
  • All premium content
  • Employee collaboration
  • Feature requests on integration
  • Customised branding
  • 24/7 customer support
Contact Us


Frequently Asked Questions

How does Flowcase help designers manage their projects?

Flowcase streamlines project management with tools for organising projects, tracking versions, and showcasing designs professionally.

Can we collaborate with other designers?

Yes, collaboration features are available in our corporate accounts, enabling faster teamwork and communication.

Is this platform free to use?

Flowcase is a premium platform with various subscription plans to suit different needs. There is no free tier available.

Who is Flowcase built for?

Flowcase is designed for professional designers and teams who need efficient project management, version control, and client showcasing tools.


Contact Us


Remote Working

Brisbane, QLD Australia

Email Us


Design and product enquiries

Open Hours

Monday - Friday

9:00AM - 05:00PM