Des Digital Services | Transition of Business Services

Des Digital Services, trading as Des Studio or simply Des, is excited to announce a major transition from offering digital services to providing cutting-edge software solutions as a Software as a Service (SaaS) business.

"Given the tough, demanding and competitive nature of the services market in design, development and marketing, it only made sense for the business to look forward and to innovate. The team at Des have proven their skills many times over on client projects, and we trust that they will deliver these same results in our internal innovations."

Key Points of the Transition:

  1. Services Continuity: Des will continue to honor all current and future agreed-to services to ensure a smooth transition for our valued customers.
  2. New Customer Acquisition: Des will cease to acquire new customers starting November 15, 2024, as part of this strategic shift.
  3. Introducing Flowcase: Our new flagship product, Flowcase, is a project and design management platform tailored specifically for designers, unlike existing platforms such as JIRA and Notion that are geared towards software developers.
  4. Internal and Client Testing: For the past six months, Flowcase has been successfully utilized for internal and client work, and we are now ready to begin feature testing for public consumption.
  5. Future Products: In addition to Flowcase, Des plans to release two more products, Flowbuild and Flowcreate, with more details to be revealed in the coming months.

This transition marks a significant evolution in Des’s business model, as we move towards providing innovative SaaS solutions designed to meet the unique needs of designers.

For more information and updates, please visit our website or contact our customer support.